ACRM Annual Conference

How to promote your presenter web page

This simple guide will help you get the most out of your presenter profile, and increase exposure for your presenter web page.

Share your presenter web page

Each presenter has their own web page in the Online Program. To help conference attendees connect, this page includes your presenter photo, links to your social media pages (if you entered them in your profile), your bio, and a hyperlinked list of all your scheduled presentations. From here, attendees can flag a presenter in their own agenda and “like,” tweet at, or follow a presenter on social media.

How to find your web page

  • Go to the ACRM Conference Online Program 
  • In the left navigation, select Searchable Program > Browse by Speaker
  • From your presenter web page, CLICK on your name, and select a session
  • Share your using the “Facebook” or “Tweet This” icons in the top panel 
  • Optionally, you can use the search bar (top right of any page), search your last name, then click on your name.

Improve Your Profile

  • Go to the ACRM Conference Online Program 
  • In the left navigation, select Searchable Program >> Browse by Speaker. 
  • Select your name, then select your session.
  • In the session popup window, CLICK on your name.
  • Do you see your photo, social media icons, and your bio?
    • If your photo, social media icons, or bio are missing, please login to the Presenter Portal and add these details and/or changes to your profile. Text updates will appear in the online program and conference app instantly (data and photos will populate within 24 hours). 
NEW! for #ACRM2024 Presenters

Increase your SESSION visibility - team up with ACRM

Would you like to work with ACRM staff to help build the audience for your session?

ACRM will partner with you to:

  • provide custom marketing for presenters
  • promote your specific content & session
  • target your desired audience via ACRM channels
  • create professional promotional badges for your personal use
  • create video content highlighting your session

ACRM is available to presenters who wish to meet and discuss a special marketing plan for their course.

Social Media

ACRM has a massive social media presence in order to help YOU — ACRM members — to expand your reach.

Tag our channels in your posts!

ADD ACRM to your LinkedIn Profile

Ready to get started?


If you are not sure which recording option is best, please bookmark the following webpages for handy future reference and add to your contacts/safe senders list.