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WAVES - Are closed for 2024 Call for Proposals

What you need to know about WAVES

Accepting Late-Breaking Research Posters

DEADLINE 31 August EXTENDED 30 September 2024

ACRM especially encourages proposals that are:

  • Interdisciplinary in nature
  • Include international topics / are from international applicants
  • From students and early career professionals
  • From those who identify with groups that are traditionally underrepresented in science.

* * * 2024 Call for Proposals * * *

ACRM Will Be Accepting Content in WAVES

 Historically, ACRM has provided deadline extensions for our content. For our 2024 Annual Conference Instructional Courses and Symposia submissions, ACRM is adopting a WAVE model for submissions to provide clarity and visibility to the deadlines. Authors will have three WAVES (or deadlines) in which to submit their abstract. At the conclusion of each WAVE, all complete abstract submissions will be evaluated, and authors will be notified whether their submission has been accepted.

ACRM highly encourages early submissions!

Benefits of submitting early (WAVES 1 and 2):

  • Increases likelihood that there will be availability of slots in your chosen primary content area should your submission be accepted.
  • Should your abstract not be accepted, any feedback from reviewers will be provided, and submitters will have the opportunity to revise and resubmit in a subsequent WAVE.
  • Earlier acceptance provides access to increased time for ACRM to partner with presenters to promote your session and build  your audience.
  • Early acceptance allows you to register at the best discounted rates and increased room availability at the headquarters hotel.

ACRM is using WAVE deadlines for 2024 Annual Conference content submissions. At the conclusion of each WAVE, all complete abstract submissions will be evaluated and authors will be notified whether their submission has been accepted.


WAVE 1: 19 JANUARY 2024 — all submission kinds
WAVE 2: 23 FEBRUARY 2024 — all submission kinds
WAVE 3: 10 APRIL 2024 — FINAL for instructional courses (ICs) & symposia
WAVE 4: 19 May

Only Accepting Late-Breaking Research Posters


Note: As content areas fill (i.e., all available slots within a content area have been assigned an accepted submission), that content area will be removed from subsequent WAVES.

Submission Types:

  • Instructional Courses (ICs)
  • Symposia
  • Scientific Papers & Posters
  • LaunchPad
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