ACRM Annual Conference

Speaker Requirements for Symposia

When you submitted a proposal as a Symposia Presenter, you agreed to the following:

Please carefully review the following requirements.

i. Registration requirements are as follows:

    1. All Pre-Conference Presenters and Moderators (presenters and moderators of Instructional Courses, Leadership Development Course, Early Career Development Course, Cognitive Rehabilitation Training and/or ACBIS Training) must register for their own course. This registration will be complimentary.

      a. Pre-Conference presenters and moderators may apply Early Bird discounts and the Presenter 20% Discount Code if they wish to attend additional Pre-Conference courses or the Core Conference. 

    2. All CORE Conference Presenters and Moderators (presenters and moderators of symposia, posters, papers) must register for at least a 1-day CORE Conference registration for the day of their presentation. Early Bird and Presenter 20% discounts apply. See Rates at

ii. Register for the conference by 30 June 2022 (please see the red box below for updated dates and deadlines).

iii. Utilize the ACRM Presenter Portal to confirm presenter or moderator profile details, including a current biography, CV and photo by the deadline dates (to be provided).

iv. Utilize the ACRM Presenter Portal to confirm presentation details, upload presentation slides and pre-recording and provide any requested information required for Continuing Education compliance by the deadline dates (to be provided).

v. Agree to ACRM’s Permission to Record Agreement

In addition, you also agree:

The ACRM 2022 Annual Conference will be held live in Chicago. As a presenter, our expectation is that you will attend in-person.(p

To recap, Symposia Presenters must:

  1. Register for the ACRM 2022 Conference & book your room at the Chicago Hilton as soon as possible
  2. Submit your presentation by the submission deadline: 13 September 2022, for CME/CEU evaluation
  3. Pre-record your presentation, as initially agreed (instructions available here>>)
    • Pre-record your presentation in the speaker portal
    • Pre-record your presentation using your preferred video software and upload a .mp4 to the speaker portal
    • Please contact: if you would like ACRM’s staff to assist you with recording
    • If you are unable to pre-record, please contact: 
  4. Attend the ACRM 2022 Conference IN-PERSON 

Presenter Deadlines

For the latest information on key actions and deadlines, please visit the Presenter Resources page >>.

Why is pre-recording important?

Pre-recording benefits both presenters and conference attendees. 

Benefits for Presenters
  • Broadens the reach of your content
  • Increases your brand awareness
Benefits for Attendees
  • Allows conference attendees to listen to content until the end of February 2023
  • Gives attendees the opportunity to earn more CME/CEU credits
  • Allows conference attendees to listen to content that is being offered simultaneously (resolves vertical programming)
  • Allows equity access to those who are unable to attend your session live
ACRM has already been marketing your content and people are registering, expecting access to your recording.


If you have questions or are unable to meet the presenter requirements, please contact us at: